Celebrating überlube’s UK Launch At Soho House

uberlube uk launch soho house

Celebrating überlube’s UK Launch At Soho House

We’re thrilled to share the incredible success of überlube’s intimate UK launch event on September 17, curated to perfection with special guests and product showcases by the Little Leaf team! The evening was filled with excitement, connection, and sensory delights, marking the launch into the UK market.

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Set against the luxurious backdrop of Soho House, guests were welcomed with sophisticated cocktails, delicious canapés, and goodie bags featuring the star of the night, überlube, accompanied by a sustainably made toy from UK sex toy brand Love Not War. It was an evening where every detail was designed to reflect Überlube’s ethos: a blend of elegance, intimacy, and high-quality pleasure. We are proud to organize this event on our client’s behalf, as every detail was planned, even down to the samples in the goodie bags!

uberlube uk launch abigail moss

In line with überlube’s commitment to touch and connection, attendees had the opportunity to engage in a unique sensory experience. Hand massages using überlube set the tone for relaxation and showcased the versatility of the product, while a blindfolded “feeling is everything” session highlighted the importance of texture, touch, and the quality that sets überlube apart from another lubricant brands on the market.

uberlube uk launch dr mayoni

The evening also featured talks from überlube’s resident medical experts, Dr. Krychman and Brand Manager Cheryl Sloane, along with Dr. Mayoni Gooneratne. They delved into the science behind überlube, discussing its formulation, versatility, and benefits for both intimate moments and general wellness. These insights added depth to the event, emphasizing überlube’s mission to prioritize quality and body-safe experiences.

uberlube uk launch hand massage station
uberlube uk launch sensory station

The launch event was a celebration of more than just a product, it was a testament to the brand’s vision of intimacy and quality, and we are thrilled to see it launch in the UK! A huge thank you to all the special guests, medical experts, and the überlube team for making this night unforgettable. As überlube enters the UK market, we look forward to seeing how this award-winning product will continue to redefine not only intimate care, but the entire wellness world.

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