Behind the Scenes: Q&A With Little Leaf COO Nina Saini

nina saini sexual wellness pr q&a

Behind the Scenes: Q&A With Little Leaf COO Nina Saini

Nina Saini is the Chief Operating Officer (COO) at Little Leaf Agency, a leading global sexual wellness PR and communications firm specializing in the sexual wellness industry. With over 20 years of experience, Nina she has collaborated with numerous international clients in the sexual wellness and adult lifestyle sectors. Here are some fascinating bits you probably don’t know about her, plus unique insights.

1. What initially drew you to PR and the sexual wellness industry, and how has your career evolved over the past 20 years? How did Little Leaf first get on your radar?

Prior to working in PR, I was working in the media industry, predominantly in television production. When I was in between contracts, I set up MediaBitch™, which focused on PR and marketing for the mainstream. Two years later, I was approached by the company behind The Cone to handle the global PR and marketing. At this point, I knew nothing about the industry, so of course, I said I would do it! Anyone who knows me knows I love a challenge! From that point onwards, I never looked back, and all my business thereafter was from word of mouth in the sexual wellness space. 

Working with The Cone from a start-up stage with a small team was a brilliant opportunity to learn everything involved in building a business and building a brand to a global audience. Although I was officially PR and marketing, I also assisted with sales and building a network with retailers and distributors. It was a crash course into the industry, and I learnt a lot. It was also a lot of fun, too!

I will celebrate 20 years in the industry in June 2025 and I am really lucky to do something I love. My career has naturally evolved as I have always wanted to progress. Having that 360-degree understanding of all areas of the business meant I could adapt and evolve my role. 

Over the last 20 years, I have worked with brilliant people and companies from all over the world, from sex toy brands, retailers, distributors, and manufacturers. The industry community is one of the best! I’ve made friendships that will last forever. 

Little Leaf’s work with sexual wellness PR first got on my radar through Concept to Consumer, a manufacturing and product design company I was working with. After I left the company, I reached out to Kathryn as I could see the potential there, and I wanted to be part of the Little Leaf journey going forward. 

2. As the COO of Little Leaf Agency, what are your favorite parts of the job that you find most satisfying or exciting?

I love working with the team; they are so creative and inspiring. They’re passionate about what they do and always go that extra mile, which I am thankful for.  I also love our clients. It is fantastic to be able to make a difference in their business whilst building good relationships.

I love that no two days are the same! There is variety in my day, which is exciting, and I particularly enjoy problem-solving. It’s great to be able to assist the team and help solve any issues that might arise. 

I really enjoy landing a new client and watching us as an agency go above and beyond in achieving results. Knowing the opportunities that are in the pipeline for Little Leaf is always an exciting part as well.

3. How do you balance the demands of work with personal interests and self-care? What do you like to do when you’re not working?

I’m a workaholic, so this is tough for me. I do find it hard to switch off. I love my work, but as I’ve gotten older, I’ve been trying to create a better balance between work and life. I really like to work out a lot! I also love to read and watch anything sci-fi like Devs or Dark! …And I am trying to do better at having a social life.   

4. As a woman in a leadership position, what unique challenges or obstacles have you encountered, and how have you navigated them?

The challenges and obstacles I have faced are people not taking me seriously or underestimating me, especially in the early days. In the past, I have had people tell me to my face that I would fail. I remember when working on launches for The Cone and We-Vibe, people would laugh. I didn’t have to say anything – I just got to work, and my results spoke for themselves. I now enjoy when people underestimate me because they never see me coming. It makes success more satisfying! 

I’ve also had people talk over me, interrupt me, or claim my ideas as their own. I’ve navigated this by becoming more vocal in a clear and concise way and by picking my battles wisely! In some cases, it’s not worth sweating the small stuff. 

5. Can you discuss a recent project or campaign at Little Leaf that you’re particularly proud of?

This is like asking me to pick my favourite child! 

On a serious note, I am really proud of our team and what they do. Every day, they bring their A game, and sometimes, it’s not just about the big campaign or landing coverage in a massive mainstream title (even though that is fantastic); it’s also the things behind the scenes that keep the ball rolling.

6. What achievements are you proudest of, both personally and professionally? 

I’m proud that I have survived a lot of personal struggles. We need a big glass of wine to go through all of those! I will say one personal achievement is surviving two rounds of brain surgery in my 30s. I’m living with two brain tumours right now, and I’m proud that it is not the focal point of my life. I’m proud of my sense of humour and fighting spirit. 

Professionally, I am proud that 20 years on, I’m still in the industry and doing what I love. I feel grateful that work has come to me via word of mouth.

7. How have you seen the sexual wellness industry transform over the years, and what trends do you see shaping its future? Are there any challenges the industry still hasn’t solved yet?

I’ve seen lots of changes in the industry, from the emergence of creating brands in the sexual wellness space where storytelling has become more important in connecting with the consumer, from package design to website communications to social media. I’ve seen products evolve, with companies now focusing on body-safe materials (which wasn’t always the case), and I’ve seen how technology is being embraced by product designers. 

Sexual wellness PR and marketing have become vital ingredients to reach the end consumer. More and more brands are realising the important role this plays. Even though there are more restrictions, the sexual wellness industry offers a unique opportunity to be creative and think outside of the box to navigate these. Sex has become more mainstream, so there are more opportunities for brands to be featured in the media. 

The emergence of social media has allowed brands to control their narratives directly with a consumer base, and there’s less reliance on traditional distribution channels, with more brands combining distribution with the DTC model. Distribution companies are also adapting to include DTC. 

Today, the challenge that brands face is how to stand out from the competition with constantly emerging brands and new markets for sexual wellness. Companies need to understand that the market is evolving and they need to adapt to this. It’s all about considering all the moving parts, being adaptable, and understanding the cultural landscape of those markets. What might have worked in one market might not work for another, and a PR agency can help with this!

8. In your view, if someone wanted to disrupt the sexual wellness industry today, what’s the smartest move they could make?

In a nutshell, plan, plan, and plan! Do your research and take time to strategise, figure out what the brand positioning is and what the USP’s are. Make sure the foundation is in place for the brand, as well for B2B and B2C activity, and what this would realistically look like. You also need to be passionate about what you’re doing. It takes a lot of time, effort, and energy to launch a brand, and you really need to love what you’re doing and not to give up! 

Also, if industry peers are kind and generous enough to share words of wisdom, listen. Their experience and expertise are invaluable. 

9. What advice would you offer to young women aspiring to enter the sexual wellness industry or sexual wellness PR?

In short, go for it! The sexual wellness industry is one of the most positive and rewarding industries I have ever worked in. For me, it’s the people who make the industry so enjoyable to work in. 

I would also add that you should be true to yourself – don’t be afraid to speak up or refuse to do something you’re not comfortable with. There will always be situations where others will try their luck or try to put you down, so be authentic to yourself no matter what.

11. What’s the legacy you hope to leave not just at Little Leaf but in the sexual wellness industry as a whole?

I hope to be remembered for not being afraid to face a challenge, roll up my sleeves, and get my hands dirty. That I wasn’t afraid of hard work and whatever task I undertook, I did it above and beyond…and that in a small way I made a difference.



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